Unable to execute Amazon Athena User Defined Functions query from Sagemaker R kernel


I am trying to run an athena query in a Sagemaker R Kernel notebook. The query uses an external UDF function. This query works on athena console but gives the following error in the notebook.

Error in dbSendQuery(conn, statement, ...): Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
  JDBC ERROR: [Simba][JDBC](11300) A ResultSet was expected but not generated from query <query>. Query not executed. 

When I remove the following part of the query which uses external function, it works.

LAMBDA '{arn}'

I have also added necessary lambda:invokeFunction permission to IAM user and notebook's role using the ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/udf-iam-access.html

I am using RJDBC library for running queries using the ref: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/accessing-data-sources-from-amazon-sagemaker-r-kernels/

How do I resolve this issue?

asked 10 months ago265 views
1 Answer

Hi, can you try using dbSendUpdate(conn, statement, ...)?

RJDBC pre-dates the more recent DBI specification and uses a different function to access this functionality: RJDBC::dbSendUpdate(con, query), can find more info here.

*If you find this to be useful, please consider accepting answer.

answered 10 months ago
  • Can you explain why we should use sendUpdate instead of getQuery? The query does not have update statements just select statements where I want to apply the external func to all cells and retrieve data. Also using dbSendUpdate does not return the result.

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