RDS mysql automatic backup to another rds db every 12 hours


I am having two databases prod and test.. both are based on rds mysql and in same region. I want that every 12 hours prod should be backed up into the test db. i mean prod should be backed up and should be restored to test or similarly something

5 Answers

Wouldn't Prod's method of creating RDS snapshots every 12 hours with AWS Backup, etc. and restoring instances from the snapshots fit your use case?

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answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

Similar question I’ve answered before.

I would recommend using AWS DMS To sync the data from PROD to test and run every 12 hours.


At a basic level, AWS DMS is a server in the AWS Cloud that runs replication software.

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answered 2 years ago
Accepted Answer

Hi Raj

For your requirement of copying data from the production database to the test database on a schedule, we have a few options.

  1. Use AWS Backup to backup the database on the 12-hour schedule and restore the database. The same option
  2. Use DMS to create a continuous migration pipeline which would keep the databases in sync with real-time replication. (DMS)
  3. Use AWS Glue and create a Glue Job to copy data from production to test on a schedule. (Glue)

As you are looking for a codeless solution DMS would be the ideal option.

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answered 2 years ago
  • You do not necessarily need continuous migration. You can simply request a point in time restore every 12 hours to a 'test' database.


Hey,thanks for reply, this works for me however i will need that it gets auto restored on my test db. any solution for that?

answered 2 years ago
  • Hi, see above: I proposed a solution for it.

  • hi, any other way except lambda ? i want to make it codeless as much as possible. Though i'll try this any let you know.Thanks



There is an option to perform auto recovery after every backup is peformed using Lambda function and Eventbridge rule.


answered a year ago

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