Customer Carbon Footprint Tool SDK/API



I want to get the Carbon Footprint data/report via SDK (boto3) or REST API. Is it possible to do so? If yes. how? And if no, then what are the methods to access it programmatically?

Thanks, Kushagra Behere

asked 20 days ago54 views
1 Answer


AFAIK, there is this AWS-delivered experimental script to access Carbon Footprint report via API:

The script can be used for programmatic access to the same AWS Customer Carbon
 Footprint Tool data the browser has access to. It enables customers to do two things:

 1. Programmatic access to feasibly get individual estimates of hundreds or thousands 
 of accounts without logging in to each account manually.
 2. Lowered carbon reporting threshold to kilogram level (three decimal digits) as 
 introduced in the CSV file download feature.

About "experimental", see FAQ on page above:

Q: What does experimental mean?
This script resembles the access to CCFT data from the AWS Billing Console. 
Hence it is not using an official AWS interface and might change at any time 
without notice and just stop working.



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answered 20 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago

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