In AWS GameLift Unity Local Test Panel JRE Not Configured


Hi all, I'm trying to test sample code given by aws gamelift unity package. In local test panel it keep getting not configured in jre. I tried download it several times but still not working. I checked my environmental variables and it has Java_home. I'm using mac mini m1 and my unity version is 2021.3.4. Thanks in advance.

asked 2 years ago353 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

EDIT: This issue has been fixed in release v1.2.1, thanks for reporting the issue

Previous answer:

Hey! Sorry for delay in response. Not sure if you are aware of this open issue on our GitHub: It has a workaround for this:

The only way for me to get it to actually work was by making RefreshIsConfigured() in JavaSetting.cs to always return true.

We are currently tracking a fix for this issue internally as well.

answered 2 years ago

I still have similar issue using the plugin v1.3.0 and Unity 2021.3.20f1. Already download install and put JRE in the PATH. How to resolve this issue again?

Edit: Fixed by restarting the PC

answered a year ago

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