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DMS migration for document db from engine 4 to engine 5


Hi Team,

we upgraded document db engine from 4 to 5 by using DMS. DMS services was used for migration (full load and on going migration) But we see data missing in migration example we have
234,089,011 new document db engine has only below doucments... In DMS it shows table load is done 232,20,333 There is a data loss of 2 days ..example DMS task was started on 28.08 11 AM and it was completed 31.08 (approx 8 30) For these days data is missing.. Is this expected behaviour? After that again data is present

Compelete data is missing now again we have to use import export way to migrate data.

1 Answer

As change stream was set to a day, we see a loss of 1 day data.. is there any way we can restore the data of 1 day in target database without affecting the data in target database Tried with mongodump and mongorestore , but mongorestore doesnt restore for specific time

answered a year ago

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