Java ssm sdk min Android version


I am trying to access the parameters store from an android terminal. I am using the latest awssdk: implementation platform('') implementation ''

When running on Android 5, I get the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/time/Duration;

In my gradle file I am setting MinSdkVersion to 21 (meaning Android 5) I saw that awssdk requires MinSdkversion 26 (Android 8) Any way I can overcome this constraint?

asked a month ago32 views
2 Answers

Hi Zeev!

The AWS SDK for Java requires a minimum Android API level of 26 (Android 8) due to dependencies on newer Java classes like java.time.Duration. Unfortunately, this constraint can't be easily bypassed. A potential workaround is to use an older version of the AWS SDK compatible with lower Android versions or directly call AWS REST APIs instead.

I’m here to help!

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Thanks Vitor! Does AWS provides REST APIs to connect to the parameters store directly?



answered a month ago

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