S3 bucket not restoring to RDS Databases


Hello, I created an option group, and created an IAM role for my s3 .bak file. When I completed this and selected the s3 bucket, I was encouraged to close the option group and check the databases section of RDS. Although I got these success messages: Successfully added option SQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORE to the option group northwindoptiongroup. and Successfully created option group northwindOptionGroup. View option group

I cannot see any databases. Is there a step that I missed, using the UI that I am unaware of?

Thanks in advance

asked a year ago360 views
2 Answers

I am using this to back up my DB to s3

Use [dms_sample]

DISK = 'C:\Backup\dms_sample.bak'
NAME = 'Full Backup of dms_sample', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

and using this command to upload it aws --profile northwinddba s3 cp C:\Backup\northwind.bak s3://northwind1/

it was successful in the upload. I can see the .bak file in the my bucket.

When I go to the option group Enter image description here

and then select my bucket as such :

Enter image description here

when I go to the databases tab, there isn't anything Enter image description here

answered a year ago

You haven’t said that you have executed a backup or restore via SQL management studio to/from the S3 bucket. Backups and restores do not automatically occur. That is a manual step or a job via SQL agent.

Please confirm how you are initiating the backup/restore to or from S3

To restore a bak file from S3 please see restore steps from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/SQLServer.Procedural.Importing.html

profile picture
answered a year ago

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