Lambda, SES without NAT


I can't use Lambda with custom C# code and SES client, without NAT. I have add Endpoint with, but not working.

For SES it's necessary NAT?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I understand. With Endopoint it's not possible to use AWS SDK for SES, but need to use smtp auth. With this configuration, it's working good without NAT

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Thanks for clarifying. Based on the SMTP endpoint provided in the original question, I thought you were trying to use SMTP endpoint.


Hello, based on 1, 2, and below note from doc, using SES VPCe with Lambda should be possible.

  • While VPC endpoints for SES can be used with any resource, for ease of test method, this example will have you use an EC2 instance as the resource. Because Amazon EC2 restricts email traffic over port 25 by default, you'll have to use a different port other than TCP 25, such as TCP 465, 587, 2465, or 2587.

I would suggest verifying the security group associated to the SES VPCe allowing the SMTP port you are using from Lambda, and your Lambda is in same VPC as your SES VPCe.

I would also suggest looking into this article to rule out any permissions/role issues.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • It's all correct, VPC, Security Group, but SES not working and I can't log anything on CloudWatch... Of course locally on debug working all fine.

  • Have you configured your Amazon SES to function through a VPC Endpoint, following the guidelines provided in the AWS blog post about Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for VPC Endpoints? Can you confirm this setup?

  • Yes. I use same security group for the lambda on Endpoints. Inbound and Outbound rule are, already configurated

  • I would suggest launching an EC2 instance in same VPC/Subnet as your Lambda function and run network troubleshooting commands. You may also try using VPC reachability analyzer to run the network check.

  • How and which will run network troubleshooting commands. You may also try using VPC reachability analyzer to run the network check?

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