Is it possible to give all privileges of a specific user to a specific user in aws rds oracle?


There are users who want to keep accessing tables created by a specific user in the future.

So is it possible to give full access to a specific user's table to another specific user?

And can you give the user admin privileges?

asked 2 years ago519 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi there,

Object privilege management is the same either on-premise oracle or RDS oracle. There is no such privilege that grants access to tables of another user (especially that will be created in future). Rather we can create a role and grant the required object privileges to the role and then grant the role to the another user, but for future tables you need to grant the previlies once there are created. So we better way is to use a dynamic query to grant the privileges to the role and run/schedule the execution after objects are created on first user. You can refer below link for dynamic query:

Yes granting DBA role/any other admin role will work BUT it is NOT recommended process in terms of security.

Thank you!

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

If the user has been granted the object privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION, the user can give the object priviledge to another user.

If the user has been granted the system priviledges CREATE USER, ALTER USER and DROP USER with the WITH ADMIN, the user can give the system priviledges to another user.

Details are in the following document :

And also you can use the DBA role on RDS for Oracle. The user granted the DBA role can give any priviledges to another user, but some priviledges are limited from DBA role. The details of the limitations are in the following.

answered 2 years ago

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