Why Are All My Resources Deleted?


Points of My Scenario:

**1. **My AWS resources includes multiple of EC2 instances, security groups, EBS volumes, subnets, and snapshots.

**2. **When I logged in this evening, ALL resources I created were gone/disappeared/deleted!

**3. **Earlier today, I received an "AWS Budgets" email notification that my budget exceeded my alert threshold.

**4. **I never learned AWS deletes one's resources when they merely exceed their budget alert threshold!

QUESTION: Why were all my resources deleted? How can I investigate who/what did this? Is there any recourse?

  • I confirm that I have not set ANY budget actions.

  • UPDATE: My resources have mysteriously re-appeared! However, I am still concerned. Does anyone have an explanation or has experienced this before?

2 Answers

AWS does not delete the resources due to budget alerts. This has happened to me once where the browser cache was deleted and I got logged into us-east-2 instead of us-east-1. I did panic as I didn't see any of my regional resources. After I am able to think straight, I realize that the region was not the default region I usually log into.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
Accepted Answer

Some browsers may change the AZ when logging in. Check AZ every time you log in. Enter image description here

profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Region*. AZs are within a Region!

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