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Generally, different versions of Windows Server may incur different costs, but this can vary depending on your service provider or subscription plan. It's possible that the price list you're referring to may not explicitly list the differences in cost between Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022. I recommend reaching out to your service provider or checking your subscription details for clarification on pricing differences.
Similarly, the cost of the Office bundle may vary depending on your service provider or subscription plan. While the base version of the workspace may include essential features, opting for an Office bundle could incur additional costs. Again, it's best to consult your service provider or subscription details to understand any potential price variations.
When deciding which option to choose, consider your specific needs and requirements. If you require a particular version of Windows Server or need Office applications for your workspace, opting for the relevant bundle may be beneficial despite potential additional costs. However, if you can manage with the base version and don't need additional features, sticking to the basic setup could help save costs.
Hope this helps!
I create the Workspace in Amazon, do you mean I need to contact Amazon to know the accurate cost?
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