Can AWS IoT Core be used to manage user registration and login too?


Hi there!

We want to use AWS IoT Core for our Internet of Things-related project. Our goal is to build smart devices such as bulbs and mobile/web applications for them. We feel that the IoT service on AWS works well with our use case to manage our fleet of devices. However, we wanted to ask whether the service will be suitable to manage our user database and their account activities. If so, how do we proceed? Are there other services that can help?

Currently, we have an EC2 instance in the cloud that runs the backend-web-based application to store user information and APIs. We would like to get rid of the instance and use the IoT Core service if possible to manage users in addition to the devices.

Can somebody please throw light on this or share a possible architectural diagram with respect to our use case?

1 Answer


for managing users and create serverless applications you can consider: Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Agateway (REST), Amazon AppSync (GraphQL), Amazon DynamoDB among others.

This Reference Architecture for Smart Farm can give you a good starting point of the services that can be used:

answered 8 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 8 months ago

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