Issue sifting through CloudWatch Log Insights Query


I need to write a Log Insights query to find all of the job run ID's associated with a Glue job within a certain time frame and when I write what I believe is the correct query I come up with 0 of 0 matched records. I've already changed my Absolute date frame to begin and end at the desired dates. I've already confirmed that a generic query

fields @timestamp, @message | limit 25

returns data. And so now I need to generalize this to my job name to something like this :

fields @timestamp, @message
| filter message like "jobName: Viz_UDL_ETL_002 jobRunId"

which is not returning anything.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

asked 3 months ago172 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Can you try with below options

fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message =~ /*jobName: Viz_UDL_ETL_002*/


fields @timestamp, @message
| filter strcontains(@message, "jobName: Viz_UDL_ETL_002")
answered 3 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 3 months ago
  • The first one returned 0 of 0 records, the second one returned 162 of 162 records. The latter query is the correct answer, thank you.

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