How can I get permissionsSets assigned to a specific group/user using the Identity center API?


I'm using Java JDK 2.X version. I have a usecase where I want to retrieve the permissionsets associated with a given group/user using the Identity Centre API. I was referring to the following links and I don't see such an API offered or any relationship mapping in any of the API. I've referred to an API (ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccount) that provides all the permission sets that have been provided to a specific AWS account, but for my use case, I want to list permission sets for a specific group/user.

Links: IAM Identity Center API Reference

Identity Store API Reference

Many thanks for reading.

asked a year ago295 views
1 Answer

Here's an option I've done in the past to get the group/user information for all permission sets:

  • Call ListPermissionSets
  • ListAccountAssignments for each Permission Set
  • This will give you an AccountAssignment object back containing AccountId + PsetArn + Principal
    • The principal will be the user/group id (GUID) associated with the assigned Pset in the account
  • Then you can call DescribeGroup on the Identity Store API to get the group's display name (for example)
answered a year ago

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