Database migration from SAP HANA to Redshift


Hello All,

As of now, SCT doesn't support SAP HANA as one of the source databases. Any other way to migrate the SAP HANA database (schemas, views, procedures, function....) to Redshift?

I understand that for data migration, there are many available options (SAP Data Services, Snow family, Glue etc....).

Thank You! Rajendran

1 Answer

hi Rajendran, there are many ways how you can export data from HANA to Redshift, one of using ODP layer with OData to export HANA views/data to S3 first and then transform the data and load them into Redshift (see here You can also use SAP Data Services to export data from SAP directly to Redshift (see here, or use multiple AWS partner solutions (e.g. Qlik Replicate or HVR - see here, or Syntax connector ( Ping me if you need more details or want to chat directly.

answered 3 years ago
  • Hi Pavol, Thank you for your response. I get that there are many options available for the data migration. I am curious to know about the available options to migrate the SAP HANA database (schemas, views, procedures, function....) to Redshift?


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