What BI tool integrations are available for DataZone?



In this video, the presenter mentions that DataZone integrates with a variety of Analytics tools. I've searched the web (and asked ChatGPT) and, so far, the only "analytics tools" mentioned are Athena and Redshift.

The presenter mentions connecting to "a variety of analysis and BI tools" and being able to "connect it to the tools of your choice".

Are AWS services the only "analytics tools" currently available for integration with DataZone? Any 3rd party tools?


asked 4 months ago343 views
1 Answer

As of today, the tools integrated with Amazon DataZone are: Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon SageMaker (recent GA - launch announcement: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/amazon-sagemaker-now-integrates-with-amazon-datazone-to-streamline-machine-learning-governance/). Amazon DataZone focuses on providing an integrated experience to data users to go to their tool of choice once they have access to the data they discovered and subscribed to. Therefore, you will see an expansion of supported tools over time. Seamless integration with 3rd party tools will be available in due time.

answered 4 months ago
  • At least Quicksight should be available a.s.a.p. otherwise positioning Datazone for business users is tough.

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