Organization new member accounts still unusable after 24 hours keeps prompting for complete sign up


I have an organization in AWS managed by account 019735371715 A day ago I created 2 member accounts within the same organization


Yesterday I couldn't use those accounts because it kept prompting for completing the sign up, but I understand the consolidated billing from the managing account 019735371715 should take care of this.

Today, 24 hours later, I am concerned I am still unable to use these accounts. I am encountering errors when trying to create resources (AWS Cloud Formation or Pulumi), and when accessing the UI console by switching user (i.e: assuming the role OrganizationAccountAccessRole) either I get 404 errors or I get prompted, again and again, to complete sign-up.

Is there any action I could attempt on my end? What options do I have to get this fixed?

asked a year ago462 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Is it possible to access the AWS account itself?
For example, is the SSO permission set configured with the wrong policy?
Is there any other possibility that the operation is being prevented by SCP or other means?

If the problem is related to your AWS account, you can open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
One way is to check with AWS support.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I’ve had this a couple of times. It starts working a day or 2 afterwards. However keep trying and as Riku says log a support ticket if it doesn’t resolve.

  • Yes, I can access the accounts, but once in the account I keep getting redirected to complete sign-up, so I can't view or create resources. I can keep clicking on "Complete your AWS registration" and then it tells me my AWS is complete, but once I tried to do something I get back to step 1.

    I have not configured any payment method in these member accounts, as I want to pay it all through the managing account (consolidated billing). I think that's the correct assumption, but let me know if not.

    It's been almost 48 hours. I am opening a ticket with Account support. Thanks!

  • How did you finally solve the issue?. Did you have to open a support ticket?

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