Can't Open a Link to download a File

asked a month ago45 views
1 Answer


The error you're encountering indicates that you don't have the necessary permissions to access the file on the S3 bucket.

Enter image description here

1. Check with the file owner: Ask the person who uploaded the file to verify the S3 bucket permissions.

  • Ensure the file or bucket is publicly accessible, or that you've been granted appropriate permissions to access it.

2. S3 Permissions: The file owner can:

  • Make the file publicly accessible via bucket policies or S3 object permissions.
  • Share a pre-signed URL to allow temporary access to the file without changing public permissions.

This should resolve the "Access Denied" error.

Check permissions, bucket settings, object status, and network issues to resolve access denied errors.

Let's solve:

A newly created bucket is always private by default and all objects belonging to the bucket is private. So let’s unblock that setting on bucket level first.

Click on the Permissions tab on your bucket like below. Enter image description here

Uncheck Block all public access checkbox like below.

Enter image description here

Let’s update the object’s ACL to allow public read. You can do that from console using Make public action

Select the object you would like to make publicly accessible.

Enter image description here

Click on Actions drop-down and click Make public

Confirm the dialog box and tada. Your object is public now and you can view it publicly.

Go to Object -> Click on Object Name -> Click on Object URL

You solve your issue finally....!

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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