Lorawan support for IN865 region


Hi, when would AWS lorawan network server support IN865 region? Its been over year since the initial release and would be great so see this implemented.

asked 2 years ago284 views
2 Answers

I am so sorry for the delay. As per my understanding there is already a feature request in place to allow connecting to gateway using IN865 frequency and our internal IoT service team is actively working on it. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with an ETA on if and when such functionality will be available for you to use. I would suggest to follow AWS IoT news blog for latest news and feature releases within Amazon.https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/category/internet-of-things/

With that said, for a workaround you could consider using a possible option if it fits your use case would be to use a Lora gateway for the devices to connect to and then use the gateway to send the data over MQTT to AWS, however this approach would require TCP/IP connectivity solution on the gateway. We don't have any documentation or step by step guide on this approach as implementation of this scenario might differ depending on the use case specifics.

answered 2 years ago

Hi, Is there any update on the feature request for IN865 frequency support in AWS IoT for Lorawan?

answered 2 years ago

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