Question regarding creating role and extension in AWS Aurora PostgreSQL with multiple instance cluster


Hi everyone,

I wanted to know, when you create a new Role using CREATE ROLE command or when you install a new extension using CREATE EXTENSION using one of the instances write endpoint in the cluster, will it be created for the whole cluster? Or will it be created only for the accessed instance?

I wanted to know if we need to install the extension or create the role for every instance in the cluster.

Thank you

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL cluster, certain operations such as creating roles and installing extensions are cluster-wide, meaning they apply to the entire cluster and not just to a single instance.

When you perform these operations on the writer instance, the changes are synchronized to the read replicas as part of the Aurora replication process.

You do not need to repeat these operations on each instance individually. Once done on the writer, they propagate to all instances.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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