Using AWS config to send rules to event bus


When setting up AWS Config to send to > Event Bridge > SNS, am I able to specify certain rules that AWS Config generates to send to the event bus? Or am I only allow to send ALL rules to the event bus?

Does it have a configuration where I can filter out certain rules I need and want to go to event bus?

I notice my SNS rule already exists in Config and I do not believe I can create another one, is it possible to create more than one event rules with AWS config also?

1 Answer

Hi. AWS Config send compliance status changes events to the Default EventBridge bus and you don't need to configure that. (Many AWS Services send events to EventBridge). Using EventBridge rules you configure which of published events are of your interest, using Event patterns, where based on the Event's attributes values/patterns you decide which ones to "capture" and what to do with them (f.i send those captured events to a Lambda function, SNS topic, among others). For this specific use case with AWS Config, for instance, you can create a rule where you specify the source of the event (AWS Config service) and type of the event (compliance status change), and even the name of the AWS Config Rule.

please see details in the following documentation:

answered 2 months ago

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