AWS VPN Clinet Software - Windows 11 Machines



We set an AWS Client VPN Endpoint using mutual authentication. And to connect to the endpoint as end-user we used AWS VPN Client

On Windows 11, we encountered an issue with connecting to Endpoint using AWS VPN Client (Connection failed)

We need to make sure if Windows 11 is compatible with AWS VPN Client because as per AWS doc it's required to use Windows 10 with the AWS VPN client

Could you please confirm?

asked a year ago492 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Windows 11 support was added in version 3.0.0. You can also see it in the release notes if you scroll down on the docs link that you provided.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks for your help

    Another question please regarding MacOS, I tried to install the client on MacOS Ventura 10.2 and 10.4, it's installed but there is no files tab to add or manage the profiles

    I noticed from this doc that latest version support Ventura 13.0

    Could you please confirm that the client will work or not over Ventura > 13.0?


  • I am not sure I understand your question correctly. There is no MacOS Ventura 10.2 or 10.4, Ventura is the name of the latest major MacOS version (13). Are you asking if the client works for minor version upgrades of MacOS Ventura? E.g. 13.2. Or do you want to know if the client works for MacOS versions 10.2 and 10.4.

  • Sorry, it's my mistake

    Yes, I need to know if if the client works for minor version upgrades of MacOS Ventura. E.g. 13.2 or 13.4

  • No problem. So generally the client should work with minor version upgrades of supported versions, in this case MacOS Ventura. I have seen the client work on Ventura 13.2, but there is no guarantee it will work on every Ventura version, so I would suggest just trying it out for whichever version you want to use.

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