AWS Pinpoint - 10DLC Number and Call Fowarding


Hi, Is this use case possible in Pinpoint We have a registered 10DLC Number for sending out SMS. We want to auto foward a call to a relavant number in case somebody calls back on the 10DLC number.

3 Answers

Call forwarding is not supported from AWS Pinpoint service for any type of originating numbers.

answered 8 months ago
  • Any timeline on this ? I understand this is part of the product roadmap ?


Hello Team - currently call forwarding is not supported with 10DLC numbers. We have a feature request on our backlog.

answered 9 months ago

Hi, will this be possible for toll free numbers ? The use case is we have using pinpoint numbers to send sms to customers. When are customer calls back on that number would it be possible to forward the call ?

answered 9 months ago

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