Power brick for Elemental Live L013AE?


Misplaced power brick for an older small form factor elemental appliance. I know it needs 12v DC but not sure of the amperage or jack size. Where can I grab a replacement?

asked 2 years ago769 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Weston, I hope you're having a good day. I spoke with our Ops team and it appears the power supply is 12v and 12.5A that provides 150W DC to the unit.

The part number is MCP-250-10128-0N for L013AE. Using the part number, I was able to find the correct replacement. If you would prefer to place the order directly through Elemental Technologies, I would advise you to get in contact with your technical account manager, or create a formal support ticket as mentioned by Vineet.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hi @weston_33,

Please create a support ticket in "elemental-appliances-software" in AWS console, and provide the corresponding serial number to follow up this case.

Serial number could be found by:

  1. Running command below via ssh session
sudo dmidecode --type 1 | egrep "Serial|Version"
  1. The serial number is the 15-digit string without dash that usually starts with an "S" or "C". Take a picture of all of the stickers on the appliance (make sure the numbers are clearly visible) so we can help to narrow down the serial number.

Please feel free to reach out for further queries on this. Thank you.


answered 2 years ago

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