Proton: not being created?


I'm trying to use Proton using the (relatively new) Terraform self provisioning functionality. Everything works like I would expect it to, and I do get a PR from the repo functionality. The only oddity is that I do not get a file generated in the PR - but I do get all the other expected files. What would cause that file to not be generated?

asked 10 months ago200 views
1 Answer
  • No Variables in Configuration: If your Terraform configuration does not contain any variables, then Terraform will not generate a file.

  • No Default Values: If your Terraform configuration contains variables, but none of them have default values, then Terraform may not generate a file.

  • Terraform Version: The generation of the file is a feature that was added in a recent version of Terraform. If you're using an older version of Terraform, it may not support this feature.

  • Proton Configuration: There might be some configuration in Proton that is preventing the generation of the file.

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answered 10 months ago

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