How do I specify a launch path to be used for a specific game session on Gamelift when using multiple launch paths or launch parameters?


Hi, when I'm hosting a Gamelift Game Session it defaults to the first launch path and launch parameter I've set while creating a fleet. How can a game session be specified to link to a specific launch path that's running inside the fleet? Can the property Game properties for the game session be used for this and if so, how should it be formatted?

Best regards, Alex

asked a year ago248 views
1 Answer

Hey Alex,

As part of your fleet's runtime configuration you can specify multiple server process configurations, where each represents one game server executable. As part of this you can additionally also specify the number of processes to run concurrently (ConcurrentExecutions). Each one of these processes will use the associated configuration.

Here's the relevant documentation on how to manage multiple server processes with different configurations:


answered a year ago

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