Invalid VpcLink id 8gdno9 referenced in integration


I created a VPC Link and can see the ID, yet when I try to connect a websocket route after setting it as a stage variable i get the error "Invalid VpcLink id 8gdno9 referenced in integration". What other ID should I be passing?

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If I do aws apigatewayv2 get-vpc-link --vpc-link-id 8gdno9 --profile sw --region us-east-1 I get

{ "CreatedDate": "2024-03-14T17:40:55+00:00", "Name": "N Virgina default", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-093c1dd279bcefbc0" ], "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-0c6615fa0e7baf17a", "subnet-023c95cf1d67ae5bf", "subnet-0929c58fae3a0eb3e", "subnet-0c6fde6a37cf00331", "subnet-0f85eabd647061309" ], "Tags": {}, "VpcLinkId": "8gdno9", "VpcLinkStatus": "AVAILABLE", "VpcLinkStatusMessage": "VPC link is ready to route traffic", "VpcLinkVersion": "V2" }

This sure seems like a bug.

asked 10 months ago256 views
2 Answers

"VpcLinkVersion": "V2"

This indicates that the VPC Link is for HTTP API's. For use with Websockets and RestAPI, you need to create VPCLink for RestAPI


profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  1. Verify VPC link is in AVAILABLE state; recreate if in FAILED state.
  2. Confirm VPC link endpoint connection is AVAILABLE.
  3. For WebSocket APIs, manually add connectionId as header on integration request.
  4. Ensure VPC link load balancer is configured on correct port; check network ACLs and security groups.
  5. Verify backend service allows inbound traffic and security groups are configured correctly.
  6. Examine integration logs for further details on failure, such as invalid configurations or network accessibility issues.
profile picture
answered 9 months ago

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