How is Audio Identification transcription text created from JSON?


I am not familiar with JSON files. For a single speaker, I have been editing the JSON in Word, no problem as the full transcription text is easily extracted. Now for 2 speakers, I would like to extract the Audio Identification transcription text as shown in the 5000 character sample text where the speaker is identified. How do I create the Audio Identification transcription text for the full transcription as shown in the sample, from the JSON file? Thanks.

asked 5 years ago1436 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I would recommend using or modifying the aws-transcribe-transcript python script found in the link below. This script will parse the json that contains multiple speakers into a more readable format.
Hope this helps!

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Fantastic!!! It worked perfectly. Randy, thank you so much.

answered 5 years ago

Hi Randy,
Thank you for the link.
Unlike Alexim, I wasn't able to complete the steps (either Regular or S3).
I documented the steps I took, and posted them here:
Any suggestions on how to configure this would be very much appreciated!

answered a year ago

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