Codebuild websocket not triggering


Codebuild correctly builds manual builds by pulling from bitbucket. The websocket on bitbucket seems correctly linked to Codebuild, and bitbucket's websocket logs show pushes are happening. Codebuild's IAM role has full admin access for testing, as does the bitbucket user. Codebuild is listening to a simple push (no other conditions or filter groups). CloudWatch shows logs for the manual builds, but none for websocket pushes.

I've used Codebuild successfully before for a different company, and initially just copied all the config which got the manual builds working. When the websockets didn't, I simplified the setup as much as possible (eg admin role access), but nothing seems to work.

Any idea what might be happening and what else I can check?

asked 9 months ago185 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer
answered 9 months ago

I recreated it from scratch, and managed to get one build working from websocket, but not a second one - which proves the websocket link to Bitbucket works but there's something else going on...

answered 9 months ago

CloudTrail shows the webhook is indeed arriving... I've got CloudBuild set to build on push, no conditions. (I've also tried conditions like tags, but nothing works). How could this possibly not be working?

answered 9 months ago

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