Cannot associate an AWS account to CodeCatalyst for billing


I've set up CodeCatalyst for the first time, and created a space. I created a new AWS Account in AWS Organizations, and associated that. This all seems to work successfully, but under Billing it says "Associating an AWS account for billing is required in order to consume resources". Also, I cannot change my plan.

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In my AWS account I can see the CodeCatalyst connection, and have selected Standard, Free as allowed tiers, but to no avail.

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I've also tried adding another (older) account, but the result is the same.

Can anyone tell me how to successfully set up CodeCatalyst billing?

Thanks, Luc

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asked a year ago574 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

We noticed that some of our early adopters had issues with setting up their Billing. We think we have fixed the issue. Please try again and feel free to reach out to us if you encounter any further issues.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a month ago

All spaces are required to have a billing account, even if the usage does not exceed the Free tier. We recommend that you set up billing using the Standard tier in order to prevent interruption in case your usage goes beyond the Free tier. Here is a documentation that provides an overview on CodeCatalyst billing.

Assuming you have only one space and looking to change the billing tier of that space, I recommend to follow the steps in this documentation to setup your billing account.

Please note that you must have an administrator role in your CodeCatalyst Space and have administrator permissions for your account in AWS to manage billing. Also, only one AWS account can be used as a billing account for a space. If an account is already used for a space, you must use a different billing account for the additional space, if you have multiple spaces.

answered a year ago
  • Dear Sundaresh,

    Thank you for your answer. As shown in the screenshots in my question, I have followed these steps, but am getting the error "Associating an AWS account for billing is required in order to consume resources", even though an AWS account already is associated. My question is thus: what else can I do, after following the steps in the documentation does not work?


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