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CloudFormation Script Fails on LoadBalancer with Message "ElasticLoadBalancerV2 LoadBalancer did not stabilize"


I have a CloudFormation script that I've used many times in the past to provision a VPC environment. It includes the subnetting, EC2s, RDS and an Elastic Application Load Balancer. All this time it has worked without fail, but when I ran it today, it hit a roadblock with CREATE_FAILED on the LoadBalancer step. The error message that it provides under Status Reason is:

ElasticLoadBalancerV2 LoadBalancer did not stabilize.

I deleted the stack and re-created it again, with the same result. I've tried searching for others who had this issue and am not finding any other support cases like this. Any thoughts on what could be going on here? My current line of thinking is that maybe AWS added a check to cause the creation to fail if none of the targets have come online over a certain period of time. I do the Apache configuration set up after the environment has been provisioned, and this has never been an issue in the past, but perhaps something changed. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

@hameedullah Thanks for the quick answer. I checked my CloudFormation template and there are no hardcoded resource IDs. This is the same template that I've essentially used for years (making occasional updates to the AMI's and whatnot) and this is the first time I've had it fail like this. As for the routes, those are dynamically created in the CloudFormation template, which again, hasn't changed.

I ended up going with my gut and telling it not to rollback on failure. I then told it to re-run at that point with the exact same CloudFormation script. Low and behold, it ran through to successfully complete. So I think something changed with the AWS process that made it fail, but at least I have a way to successfully bypass the error and get it working.

answered 3 years ago

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