Windows Server 2008 Workspaces No Longer Connect - Unhealthy State, but can connect via RDP


Our older Workspaces don't appear to be running any PCoIP agents anymore while our newer ones have it running and we can connect to them via the Workspaces clients.

When I rund the Get-Service command on the 2008 workspaces, I get the message that "Cannot find any service with service name 'PCoIPAgent'." Running the same command (Get-Service -Name PCoIPAgent) returns the expected information on the running service on the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter workspaces.

Is AWS making changes to these older workspaces and forcing us to migrate? Was the PCoIPAgent service deleted without notifying users?

asked 2 years ago368 views
1 Answer

If PCoIP agent is missing then you will not be able to connect via workspace client. It is recommended to upgrade workspaces to the latest windows. The windows 2008 R2 have high security vulnerabilities as there are not security patches since Microsoft has ended support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 on 1/14/2020. The windows has not been update since 1/14/2020 which make the instance vulnerable. However, you can try install the older version of the PCoIP agent using the link:

2008 server workspaces will not support the latest version of PCoIP 20.10.8. It is important to always run the workspaces in latest version to improve the experience as well to be safer from cyber attacks and threats. You should look into migrating you workspaces. Migrate a WorkSpace -

answered 2 years ago

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