Is it possible for AWS Elemental MediaLive service to change MP4 input while the channel is running dynamically?


we want to add the feature like below:

  1. upload video files to the S3 bucket from our CMS solution (h.264/mp4).
  2. dynamically create a broadcast schedule with the files uploaded to the S3 bucket in step 1.
  3. start broadcasting the schedule in step2.

The most important thing is that the schedule can be dynamically edited even during broadcasting, but it seems that AWS Elemental MediaLive can't do that. If MediaLive is not enough, are there any other solutions?

please let us know if it is.

asked a year ago347 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

AWS Elemental MediaLive does support the use of a Dynamic Input to select MP4 source files from an S3 bucket. Individual file sources can be selected by the MediaLive Schedule function, Define a MediaLive Input with this format: s3://<bucket_name>/<subfolder_path>/$urlPath$ The $urlPath$ is the dynamic variable that will be replaced by the MP4 file name. When creating the MediaLive Input Switch Schedule, select the Dynamic Input name, then enter the source file name to switch to. MediaLive Dynamic Input

NOTE: MediaLive can not start with a Dynamic Input, so a 'slate' or start source file must be selected to begin with, then schedule an Input Switch to the Dynamic Input.

answered a year ago

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