Accessing S3 Bucket properties


Hi. I am trying to access the AWS S3 bucket properties. I was looking for some SDK which I can use in my Java client and access the bucket information. The only SDK i see is listBuckets() which give all the buckets present under the account. Is there an API which gives me the requested bucket information by passing the bucket_name? Moreover, I am only looking for logging and "ObjectLock" configuration properties of a particular bucket. I know, there is a way to list all the buckets and iterate over each of them to find a right bucket but looking for a better way.

asked 7 months ago192 views
1 Answer

To get the properties of a specific S3 bucket in Java, you can use the AmazonS3Client's getBucketAcl and getBucketVersioning methods. see the example here.

Here is the link to API doc

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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