How to start an instance from another instance


Our private AWS console is down but I have access to running servers via SSH. I would like to start another instance from my running instance but I get AuthFailure because I don't have access to the access_key and secrect_access_key for the instance that is down. How can I get around this? Thank you

2 Answers

Are IAM roles set up to operate the instance on the EC2 to which you are connected via SSH?
Or do you have an access key issued by an IAM user who can operate the EC2 instance?

If you have an access key, use the command "aws configure" to set the access key.

Once the access key is set, you can use the following AWS CLI command to start EC2.
If an IAM role with the authority to operate the instance is attached to the EC2 connected via SSH, setting an access key is not necessary.

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids EC2 ID
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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

I don't have the credentials for the instance that is down. I'm trying to start the down instances from an instances that is running, 2 different accounts.

answered a year ago

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