Performance issue on GIN index with gin_trgm_ops index column


Hi all,

We are investigating a performance issue with searching on a GIN with gin_trgm_ops indexed column. This specific (organization_id,aggregate_type) has in total 19K records and the (organization_id) has in total 30K records. The search record table has in total 38M records.

The table and index are defined as follows:

       Column      |       Type        | Collation | Nullable |                               Default
   id              | bigint            |           | not null | nextval('search_records_id_seq'::regclass)
   organization_id | uuid              |           | not null |
   aggregate_id    | uuid              |           | not null |
   aggregate_type  | character varying |           | not null |
   document        | text              |           |          |
      "search_records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
      "search_records_keys" UNIQUE, btree (organization_id, aggregate_id, aggregate_type)
      "search_records_btree_gin" gin ((organization_id::character varying), aggregate_type, document gin_trgm_ops)

The query we execute is:

select aggregate_id from search_records where organization_id::varchar = '975097c5-e760-4603-9236-fcf2e8580a7c' and aggregate_type = 'FooRecord' and document ilike '';

Resulting in the following plan:

   Bitmap Heap Scan on search_records  (cost=2184.00..2188.02 rows=1 width=104) (actual time=4332.007..4332.008 rows=1 loops=1)
     Recheck Cond: ((((organization_id)::character varying)::text = '975097c5-e760-4603-9236-fcf2e8580a7c'::text) AND ((aggregate_type)::text = 'FooRecord'::text) AND (document ~~* ''::text))
     Heap Blocks: exact=1
     Buffers: shared hit=23920 read=9752
     I/O Timings: read=4017.360
     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on search_records_btree_gin  (cost=0.00..2184.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=4331.987..4331.987 rows=1 loops=1)
           Index Cond: ((((organization_id)::character varying)::text = '975097c5-e760-4603-9236-fcf2e8580a7c'::text) AND ((aggregate_type)::text = 'FooRecord'::text) AND (document ~~* ''::text))
           Buffers: shared hit=23920 read=9751
           I/O Timings: read=4017.355
   Planning Time: 0.268 ms
   Execution Time: 4332.030 ms
  (11 rows)

We are running on Postgres RDS with engine version 12.8 with 32GB memory and 8GB shared_buffer. We have 442GB of 2000GB diskspace left.

Sometimes we also have queries for this particular customer which take more than 20 seconds. The content of the document in those cases are similar to:

   User Name Kees postgresstreet Amsterdam 1000 AA 1234

Are we doing something wrong? I find the I/O timings quite high, does this mean that it took 4000MS to read the 9752 blocks from the disk?

Any other tips and or suggestions are welcome.


asked 2 years ago1273 views
1 Answer

Hello Lars,

Thank you for reaching us and I understand that you are running into a query performance slowness issue after using a PG GIN index for a full text search:

-> Bitmap Index Scan on search_records_btree_gin (cost=0.00..2184.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=4331.987..4331.987 rows=1 loops=1)

While query tuning is beyond the scope of this forum there are certainly a few things which I can recommend for additional deep dive on the issue:

a) I see you have used trigrams for the index but did you check on the bitmap scan performance without the trigrams to understand if that's adding any benefit

b) I will also go ahead and check if the index blocks are being cached by the DB:



c) Parameter track_io_timing might help show what component of that time is coming from IO and if it's indeed the IO fetch time from the disk. This parameter is off by default, as it will repeatedly query the operating system for the current time, which may cause significant overhead on some platforms:


d) Is the table 'search_records' frequently written upon? If yes then I will also recommend you to check on the pending list size as it could lead to the slower performance:


I sincerely hope that you will find these helpful.

answered 2 years ago
  • Sorry I was offline for a while. Thanks for all the pointers, I will look into this.

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