How can I migrate Classic Load Balancer to Application Load Balancer



I'm not a web developer. I created my AWS EB WebApp as Classic Load balancer. I'm now setting up Cloudfront distribution for CDN with a custom domain that I bought from AWS Route 53. My cloudfront is working, but it's not responding for POST request. When I read about it online, I think my aws eb webapp should be migrated to Application Load Balancer. Could you help please? - Haile

2 Answers

yes you need to migrate

To migrate your EB environment to ALB, you can follow these steps:

  • Create a new Application Load Balancer in your AWS account.
  • In your EB environment, go to the Configuration tab and select the Modify button.
  • In the Load Balancer section, select the Application Load Balancer option and select the ALB you created in step 1.
  • Review and apply the changes to your EB environment.

After migrating your EB environment to ALB, you can configure your CloudFront distribution to use the ALB as its origin. This should allow your CloudFront distribution to support both GET and POST requests.

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answered a year ago

Take a look at this Knowledge Center article:

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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