AWS Personalize cost charges and unable to delete solutions created and datasetGroups


Hi, was trying out the AWS Personalize video series tutorials on youTube - and was charged over USD$40 when I implemented the POC to Production.

Now I am trying to delete the datasetgroups created from the tutorials to prevent incurring more costs ~ these costs are incurring at the daily rate and I have not even deploy anything to a project!

First of all, I can't delete my datasetgroups with this error:- "Bad request - The provided dataset-group is being referenced by one or more solutions." So I tried deleting the solutions but I can't. I manage to delete the campaigns and the datasets created - but the solutions are still there.

2 Answers

AWS Personalize is in order for resource cleanup.
I believe that cleanup as described in the following document will successfully remove the resources.
Try deleting the resources listed in the table in the document, starting from the top.

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Echoing what's suggested here, starting from top is very important.

  • Yes. For the datasetgroups I created following the AWS Personalize youtube tutorials ,

    • I deleted the EventTracker
    • I deleted the campaigns
    • I deleted tried deleting the solutions, but it ignores my request to delete it without any error messages.
    • I deleted the datasets
    • I tried deleting the Dataset Groups, but was met with "Bad Request: The provided dataset-group is being referenced by one or more solutions."
    • but then again, I cannot delete the solutions even when there are no more campaigns based on the solution versions.

    By the way, I don't understand why am I am incurring costs daily from the Personalize YouTube tutorial? I did not deploy any of the recommendations to a website or project. It is suppose to be a tutorial, why are there hidden costs? Anyway I have incurred another USD $8.87 since 3 hours has passed.

    • any help right now would be very much there an emergency button or some helpdesk that can immediately stop this.
  • What happens if I run the following AWS CLI command to delete it?
    Use CloudShell to execute AWS CLI commands.

    aws personalize delete-solution --solution-arn Solution_ARN

Hi, I am sorry you are running into this issue.

You can use the code in this notebook as an example on how to delete all resources in a dataset group by providing the dataset group ARN, including the solutions and the dataset itself.

It is possible there is an eventTracker or some other resource still attached to the solution and that is what is stopping you form deleting.

answered a year ago

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