Unable to Delete VPC Due to Requester-Managed VPC Endpoint and Network Interface Dependencies


Hello AWS Support,

I am encountering an issue while trying to delete a VPC (VPC ID: vpc-0a1c7829e1764a68a) in the ap-northeast-2 region. The VPC is associated with several network interfaces, one of which is linked to a requester-managed VPC endpoint (VPC Endpoint ID: vpce-01c2a85ada7288b81), which is preventing the deletion process.

Steps I have taken so far:

I have terminated all associated resources (such as RDS instances) that were connected to the network interfaces within the VPC. I attempted to delete the VPC endpoint, but I encountered the following error: “Operation is not allowed for requester-managed VPC endpoints for the service com.amazonaws.elasticache.serverless.” I have also tried deleting the network interfaces manually, but they remain "In-use" due to the endpoint. Despite these efforts, I am unable to proceed with deleting the VPC or the associated resources. Could you please assist in removing the requester-managed VPC endpoint or provide guidance on how to resolve this issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

asked 3 months ago132 views
1 Answer

I understand you're facing difficulties deleting a VPC due to dependencies related to a requester-managed VPC endpoint and associated network interfaces. This is a common challenge when dealing with AWS-managed resources. Let me provide some guidance on how to approach this issue.

Requester-managed network interfaces are created and managed by AWS services on your behalf, and they are associated with resources like VPC endpoints. These interfaces cannot be directly modified or detached by users.

In your case, the VPC endpoint is associated with Amazon ElastiCache Serverless, which is creating the requester-managed network interface. To resolve this issue, you need to focus on removing the underlying service that's using the VPC endpoint, rather than trying to delete the endpoint or network interface directly.

Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Identify and delete any ElastiCache Serverless resources in your VPC. This might include ElastiCache Serverless clusters or other related resources.

  2. After removing the ElastiCache Serverless resources, wait for a short period (usually a few minutes) to allow AWS to clean up the associated VPC endpoints and network interfaces.

  3. Once the underlying service resources are removed, AWS should automatically delete the requester-managed VPC endpoint and its associated network interfaces.

  4. After this cleanup process, you should be able to delete the VPC without encountering the previous errors.

If you still face issues after following these steps, you may need to check for other AWS services that might be using the VPC or creating requester-managed resources. Some services to consider include RDS Proxy, AWS PrivateLink endpoints for other services, or NAT gateways.

Remember, when dealing with requester-managed resources, the key is to focus on removing the underlying service or resource that's creating them, rather than trying to delete the network interfaces or endpoints directly.

If you continue to experience difficulties after following these steps, I recommend reaching out to AWS Support for further assistance, as they can provide account-specific guidance and may be able to identify any hidden dependencies in your particular setup.
Requester-managed network interfaces - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
DeleteVpc - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Unable to delete VPC endpoints | AWS re:Post
Issues Deleting VPC | AWS re:Post

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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