AWS Organization : Adding existing AWS account


Hi team,

After adding an existing account to aws organisation and clicking accept in the email, I am still not added to the organisation. There are no error messages and I cannot find any visual confirmation that the account is added. (View screenshots below)

Email Email

Organization Page for invited account (Org not seen) Invited account

Organization Page for org account (Invited account not seen) Organisation Account

Any help will appreciated ! Thanks

asked a year ago488 views
2 Answers

Hi. It seems that you want to move management account in your old organizations. In such case, there is an extra step. You have to delete the old organizations before moving.

If you want the management account of the old organization to also join the new organization, do the following: 1.Remove the member accounts from the organization using the preceding process. 2.Delete the old organization. 3.Repeat the preceding process to invite the old management account to the new organization as a member account

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

Can you go through this troubleshooting guide? And tell us if helps?

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answered a year ago

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