EC2 autoscale creates instances exceeding maximum number, falling into an infinite loop.


Good morning.

I had trouble with an EC2 Auto Scaling Group. I set the maximum number of instances in the group to 2, but this morning, the instances had scaled up to 31, possibly more.

I suspect the issue may have started when I accidentally changed the VPC Route tables, causing the ECS Agent to malfunction and leading to a logic bug where the EC2 Auto Scaling Group created instances without limitation.

Does anyone have any insights on this? How do I contact AWS Support regarding this case?


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asked a month ago44 views
2 Answers


You can contact AWS Support from the URL below.

Since the status of EC2 is all "Terminated", does that mean that you have stopped and restarted it repeatedly?
Also, can I check how many EC2 units were started at the same time from the metrics of the AutoScaling group?

If the ECS task placement strategy is set to "spread", such a behavior may occur.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Thank Riku_Kobayashi,

Since the status of EC2 is all "Terminated", does that mean that you have stopped and restarted it repeatedly? -> The auto-scaling group handled it. I stopped instances in the morning when the instance count was over 31.

If the ECS task placement strategy is set to "spread", such a behavior may occur. -> I'm not sure. In the morning, the issue was still there, after the VPC Route tables were fixed. I just stopped the redundant instances and changed the desired capacity in the Auto Scaling Group, and now the issue has disappeared.

It's very strange!

Anyway, thank you very much. I will contact AWS for this case.

answered a month ago

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