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Have you actually received an invoice from AWS saying that you are being charged for something, and/or has AWS taken a payment from you?
Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home#/freetier and it will show what your free tier entitlements are, and how much you have used of each.
If you have only one t2.micro running, and it has up to 30GB EBS storage attached (gp2 or gp3) then you shouldn't be charged anything.
If you do get charged, as in you get an invoice for a non-zero amount of EC2 usage and AWS actually takes payment from your billing method, then you can log a billing support call at https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create?issueType=customer-service
- Type: Account and billing
- Service: Billing
You can check how much you are using the free tier of AWS, so please follow the steps in the document below.
You may have used up your t2.micro free tier.
For example, if you are running multiple EC2s, you may exceed the limit of 750 hours per month.
Thanks Steve, I think i discovered the problem which is the following. The “Top Free Services by Usage table” on the Billing and Cost Management console displays the services that you're using and that aren't covered by the AWS Free Tier. If the table doesn't appear, then your account is no longer covered under the AWS Free Tier."
Most probably this is caused by the fact that my account was created more than a year ago but it wasn't activated until last month.
I will open a support ticket Thanks
No harm in opening a billing case and explaining the situation, and you might get a sympathetic response.
I don't actually think there is a difference between an account being created and being activated. As soon as the account is created the clock starts ticking on the 12 months of free tier entitlement, it doesn't sit pending the the first resource to be created.
But like I say, no harm in raising a billing support call about it.
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It is not possible because my account was started at the begining of the month, and i only have 1 Free-Tier Instance.
If you check your AWS bill, you can see how much you are being charged for t2.micro. Also, even if you are using the free tier, "BoxUsage:t2.micro" will appear on your bill. It will be listed on your bill, but I think the cost itself will be $0. https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home?region=ap-northeast-1#/bills