Greengrass V2 Shadow + MQTT (Moquette)


I'm trying to sync shadows between IoT Core and IoT Devices which are connected through Greengrass V2, Moquette Component. It seems like the ShadowManager service just gets shadows synced for use with IPC (other Components) and doesn't sync with Moquette where the IoT Devices could interact with their shadows. I also tried just using the MQTT Bridge to proxy the AWS Shadow Topics between Moquette and IoT Core, but that just started an infinite loop of messages since there's no deduplication or loop-break happening in the bridge...

How are IoT Devices supposed to interact with their shadows through a Greengrass MQTT broker? Greengrass V1 just seemed to work (IoT Devices connected to the Greengrass broker could interact with their shadows).

I found this from a year ago, but it doesn't give much info other than, "roll your own component to proxy the requests". Has this advice changed in the last year?

asked 2 years ago452 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Casey, please see:

This provides the MQTT Bridge configuration which you must use to allow shadow access without loops.

Cheers, Michael

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Perfect, I missed that article while trying to troublshoot this, thank you! I do have a follow on question about the ShadowManager, which I'll ask in another question to track answers there (how to wildcard subscribe to all devices assigned to the gateway).

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