Problem deleting a Vault



I'm trying to delete an old Vault (Us-east-1, from 2013). So I did the inventory and proceeded to deleting the archives. After all, I can't delete the vault, it says it still not empty.
The AWS console says this vault has 9909 files (inventory last Updated). The latest inventory that I ran yesterday, says 2477 files. Today, there's no update in the "Inventory last uptaded" information, it shows 9909 files from a 2013 inventory job.
What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

asked 3 years ago275 views
1 Answer

It worked right now. It seems it was just a matter of time (delay in the update).After 12 hours, It has updated the "Inventory Last update" and says 0 files.
I succeeded in deleting the vault.

answered 3 years ago

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