Service quotas applied by Support not reflected in Service Quotas


I am currently working on developing a microservice that monitors the quotas of AppStream instances. The main functionalities I require are the ability to retrieve the current service quotas and request an increase in case the value is not compliant. Recently, I programmatically requested two quota increases for the AppStream instances and these requests have already been approved by the Support team. However, when checking the status in the Service Quota, it still shows as 'Quota requested'.

The problem lies in the fact that the available quota value has not been updated in the Service Quota, and when making calls to ListServiceQuotas, it returns an empty list. This is the second time I have attempted to update the Applied quota value for the AppStream instances through Support, but the Applied quota value still shows as 'Not Available'. Despite this, I am still able to utilize the requested AppStream instances as intended.

I need guidance on how to properly reflect the Support-applied quotas in the Service Quotas, so that I can effectively monitor the current quotas.

asked 2 years ago1.4K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The label "Not Available" means that the service has not implemented the feature to report the applied quota on the console. Unfortunately, for such services, it is not possible to get the applied quota value via Service Quotas [+]. Once the service is fully on boarded on to Service Quotas, you will be able to see the values.


GetServiceQuota API [+] retrieve the applied quota value for the specified quota. For some quotas, only the default values are available. If the applied quota value is not available for a quota, the quota is not retrieved.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

This is really annoying for large scaled workloads and make the limits/quota governance a huge and hard activity. This issue affects several services (e.g: S3, DynamoDB, AppStream and much others).

I hope AWS can focus on this and make quotas fully operational for all services they deploy.

answered a year ago

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