[Announcement] Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 11 will reach end of standard support on February 29, 2024


There is a announcement "[Announcement] Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 11 will reach end of standard support on February 29, 2024". I expected that there will be a configuration on RDS so we can enable "RDS Extended Support", but I didn't see it. How can I opt-in for RDS Extended Support? This page mentioned that: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/extended-support.html "Extended Support will be available through the AWS Management Console or the Amazon RDS API in December 2023."

Can you tell me when exactly is this available?


asked 10 months ago938 views
2 Answers

As you already know, it is correct that RDS extended support can be opted in through the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI or RDS APIs.

However, the release date for opt in is still not announced. It is expected to be released in the late December where you will be able to opt-in for extended support for your PostgreSQL v11 instances. You can refer the below document for more information on the same:

[+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/extended-support.html

Further announcements for the specific dates will be posted on our What's New page and AWS News Blog.

[+] https://aws.amazon.com/new/
[+] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/

answered 10 months ago
  • Thank you for your information.

  • Checked today 12/20 and there still appears to be no way to enable 'RDS Extended Support'. How late in December can we expect this?



You will now be automatically enrolled in Amazon RDS Extended Support starting February 29, 2024.
This means that you do not need to opt-in and will be automatically enrolled in Extended Support, so if you cannot afford to incur Extended Support fees, please upgrade your DB version.

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answered 10 months ago

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