Lamda functions are missing and not allowing me to create new functions


Suddenly my lamda functions are missing and not allowing me to create a new function as well. also strangely I can see fetch 53 years ago message. I can see the lamda's from API Gateway but it does not allow me to do anything Enter image description here
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asked a year ago224 views
1 Answer

Is the time on your local machine correct? I've seen this problem before where a customer's laptop was a few minutes out and it caused all sorts of "interesting" problems. The issue is that API calls to AWS are signed and the time is part of the equation.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Yes, I have tested this with 2 browsers and 2 laptops (windows machine and a mac)

  • I ask because 53 years ago is the beginning of the "epoch" as counted by Unix/Linux clocks. If your time is slightly in the future then it will be interpreted as being in the past and you'll see strange things like this. Make sure your time is properly synchronised with the internet - NTP is good for thise.

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