Discrepancy in GPU Memory for g5.2xlarge Instance: Only 23GB Available Instead of 24GB


Hello everyone,

I recently launched an g5.2xlarge instance, which is advertised with 24 GB of GPU memory (vRAM). However, after starting the instance and running the nvidia-smi command, I noticed that only 23 GB of GPU memory is available.

Here are the details of my instance:

AMI: Ubuntu Deep Learning Base OSS Nvidia GPU     
Instance-Type: g5.2xlarge

nvidia-smi output: nvdia-smi output

My application requires the full 24 GB of vRAM. Can someone explain why less memory is available, and is there a way to utilize the full capacity?

Thank you in advance for your help.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The discrepancy you're seeing is common and is typically due to the way the GPU allocates memory for various system-level tasks, including drivers, system processes, and other reserved functionalities. Here's a more detailed explanation and potential steps you can take:

Why is GPU Memory Less Than Advertised?

Driver and System Overhead:

GPU drivers and the operating system reserve a portion of the GPU memory for managing the GPU hardware and running system processes. This is not typically advertised when stating the total available memory.

Reserved Memory for CUDA Contexts:

The NVIDIA CUDA toolkit and related libraries also reserve some memory for managing computational contexts, which is necessary for running CUDA applications.

Memory Reserved for Display Purposes:

If your GPU is used for rendering a display (even if you are running it headless), a portion of the memory might be reserved for framebuffer, video decoding, and other display-related tasks.

Verifying Available GPU Memory

To verify the exact allocation and usage of your GPU memory, you can use nvidia-smi with more detailed flags:

nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.total,memory.used,memory.free --format=csv

This command will provide a detailed breakdown of the total, used, and free memory.

Maximizing Available GPU Memory

While you cannot completely avoid the reserved memory overhead, you can take a few steps to potentially free up some more memory:

Disable Unnecessary Display Outputs:

If your instance has any display output enabled, you can disable it to free up memory reserved for display purposes.

Optimize Driver and CUDA Context Usage:

Ensure that your CUDA applications are efficiently managing contexts and not creating unnecessary overhead.

Use Headless Mode:

Ensure that your GPU is running in a headless mode (no attached display), which can help reduce the memory reserved for display purposes.

Checking for Potential System Memory Allocation

Additionally, you can check if there are other system processes using GPU memory:

nvidia-smi dmon -s u

This command will show detailed GPU utilization statistics, including memory usage by various processes.

Example nvidia-smi Output and Interpretation

Here is an example output and what it means:

| NVIDIA-SMI 460.32.03    Driver Version: 460.32.03    CUDA Version: 11.2     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla T4            Off  | 00000000:00:1E.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   50C    P8    13W /  70W |    400MiB /  15109MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |

In the above output:

Memory-Usage: Shows the current memory usage. For example, 400MiB / 15109MiB indicates 400 MiB is used out of 15,109 MiB total.

To get an idea of the total available memory, focus on the Memory-Usage line to see how much is currently utilized versus the total capacity.

Final Thoughts

The observed behavior is normal, and some overhead is unavoidable. However, by ensuring efficient usage and minimizing unnecessary allocations, you can maximize the available GPU memory for your applications. If your application strictly requires all 24 GB, you may need to adjust your resource management strategies or consider alternative instance types that better meet your memory requirements.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • Thank you very much for your detailed answer! I just was confused, as the same application runs locally on a 24GB vRAM graphics card while the graphics card is almost 100% utilized. Experience has shown that the EC2 instances have so far been faster and more capable in relation to the same tasks performed locally. Hence the question. Thanks a lot! I will follow your suggestions and see if the instance type is enough afterwards.

    Best regards

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