CodeWhisperer doesn't see project's artifacts


After installation I'm trying to run Security Scan for a Java project. I get an error "Cannot find build artifact for the project". I specify the correct path to .class files. This is a big enterprise project and the files have a lot of levels. I tried a lot of ways and even specified the singular files, but the result was the same. May be someone faced this problem an knows how to resolve it?

asked a year ago293 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The error message "Cannot find build artifact for the project" typically indicates that the security scanning tool is unable to locate the necessary files or artifacts for analysis. Here are a few suggestions to help resolve this issue: Verify the artifact path: Double-check that you have specified the correct path to the build artifacts, specifically the .class files. Ensure that the path is accurate and points to the correct location. Check the project structure: In a large enterprise project with multiple levels, it's important to ensure that the project structure is correctly configured. Verify that the build artifacts are generated in the expected location and that the scanning tool is looking in the right place. Build the project: If you haven't already, try building the Java project before running the security scan. Building the project will generate the necessary build artifacts, such as the .class files, which can then be scanned by the tool.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I appreciate you answered. You've listed almost everything I've tried so far I tried all possible ways to specify the path to .war and .class files. I guess that is some kind of bug because some time I received another error "File extension xml is not supported for CodeWhisperer" although previously it threw "Cannot find build artifact for the project". It works perfect for the projects with modern tech stacks. But for old enterprise projects it needs more parameters for scanning folders.

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