Liveness Checking


New update for the AWS Rekognition shows a new feature which is liveness checking.

My question is:

  1. Is there any documentation on how to implement this on Spring Boot (Java) and also frontend implementation for Angular/Ionic? There is a code sample here. But my problem is that I am using the the Java V2 SDK ( and the one on the example is Java V1 ( Correct me if I am wrong, thanks.
  2. There are only few regions on which this feature is available, is there any timeline wherein this will be distributed to different regions (Ex. Singapore) ?
asked a year ago363 views
1 Answer
  1. You can use our java v2 SDK, APIs are available in v2 package. Ref
  2. We will prioritize the addition of a new regions based on customer demand. We recommend monitoring the Regions and Quotas page for notification. We strongly encourage utilizing existing regions until the new regions are supported.
answered a year ago

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